Friday 28 November 2008

When Insomnia Hits...

You find yourself blogging at 1am! It has been a very long time since I have written on here, and since I find myself wide awake at 1am on a Friday morning I thought I would do an update.

Alot has been happening around here. Work is starting to get quite busy and there have been dramas left and right, let's just say that some of the people I work with are becoming quite unbearable. Besides that the workload makes the day go faster so that's always a bonus.

Christmas is not far away and I will start my christmas shopping with my mum this weekend. I'm hoping to get to Jetty Rd on Sunday as well because there are some great boutiques there, and I have some ideas for gifts. I'm hoping to get most of it out of the way fairly soon so I can avoid the crowds, shopping malls during Christmas to me are awful I hate it! Everyone is so grumpy and the staff are tired and overworked, makes you forget the true meaning of christmas. We haven't put up our christmas tree yet, so maybe Ty and I will do that Sunday night together, the first christmas in our new house, it will be awesome!

Last Monday I had a medical drama and felt pain like I've never felt before. I came home from work and had dinner as per normal, but around 6:30pm I started getting really bad stomach aches, they started getting progressively worse to the point where Ty had to take me to hospital. Just as Ty pulled up to the RAH I threw up all over myself (the fourth vomit of the night) so I walk into emergency doubled over in pain and vomit all over my clothes. The triage nurse was extremely rude and unsympathetic and I honestly think she is in the wrong profession. She told us we would have to wait so I went outside to get some fresh air, while out there the pain was so bad I collapsed, a paramedic saw me and got me a wheelchair but she wasn't very nice either. I asked her for some water because I was feeling so weak and she says to me "water isn't going to help you" WTF?? The triage nurse also decided to tell me I was silly for going outside I felt like slapping her. Looking back on it I think they must have thought I had overdosed on drugs and was just another druggie. Thank God for Phan, because he managed to find a colleague working that night and she got me in sooner, and I was able to have a morphine injection to ease the pain while I waited for the doctor on duty.

Being so sick made me realise how vulnerable the human body is and that we should really take care of it. The thing that made me saddest though was the lack of human compassion that night. While I was doubled over in pain in the hospital car park on the cement, several groups of people walked past me and not one person stopped to ask if I was okay. I was by myself (because Ty was waiting inside so we wouldn't miss our spot) and screaming in pain. I could understand that some people might have been scared and didn't want to stop. But a couple of men walked past and just looked at me and kept walking, I hardly think I would have been a threat to their safety. I can honestly say that if I saw someone in that much pain I would have at least got a nurse or doctor to come out and check on that person. It made me sad that as human beings we could treat each other so heartlessly. On that note I hope this christmas I stop to think about others more and if given the opportunity to help someone out I don't keep walking. I think we could all do more. I hope this christmas in the midst of all the chaos I remember to stop and reflect on how lucky I am and think of those less fortunate.

In the spirit of Christmas hold your loved ones a little closer, and realise that a gift doesn't have to come with wrapping paper and ribbon, sometimes all we need is someone to reach out and make us feel valued.