Thursday 15 May 2008

One More Sleep!

Only one more sleep until Ty and I are in our new house. The process has felt like it has gone on forever. We had a much longer settlement than standard, so after three months we will finally be in our new place. I'm looking forward to doing some nesting and decorating. Once the house is all set up Ty and I will have our little projects that we have been wanting to work on, which is very exciting, stay tuned for that :) !

Work has been very frustrating for me right now. One of the girls at work has been off sick for the last three days, which doesn't bother me, when your sick your sick. But I have been doing her job and putting mine on the backburner because we are extremely busy at the moment. The reason I'm annoyed is because I wanted to get time off to move, just one day, but because we are so busy work wouldn't allow it. I also have to attend 2 work functions two weekends in a row after we have moved when all I want to do is stay home and enjoy the new place.

The good news is Ty's 52" inch Sony Bravia is being delivered on Friday and so is my new fridge so things are going to plan (knock on wood). The last couple of days has been so stressful, trying to get everything packed and ready to go. Tonight after a long day at work I get to come home and clean! Sorry just having a whinge, I guess it will be all worth it in the end!

Sunday 11 May 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Today is mother's day, so I want to wish my mum a Happy Mother's Day. Thank you for everything you do for and all the sacrifices you have made. I also want to wish my sister Clara a happy mothers day. I see you do such an amazing job with Beth, she is growing up into a beautiful intellingent and cheeky girl. I know today must be hard for you. And even though your mum is no longer here, I know she has been there for all of your milestones and achievements with Beth. She would be so proud of you. You are a great mum because your mum was a great mum. She made you into the fantastic person you are today and I love you lots sis!

Saturday 10 May 2008

Feeling a bit sad...

Well it's only 6 days til Ty and I move out of my unit and I'm feeling quite sad. This unit represents a significant time and place in my life. When I first moved in I was so scared. At the age of 30 I had never lived alone before. I went straight from moving into living with my parents to living with Adam when we got married. When Adam and I split up it was one of the hardest things I have ever had to go through. The term "heart break" is so true I felt like literally my heart was breaking. The night I found out that he had been having an affair was traumatic. I remember not being able to breathe and going into shock. Then later that night crying like a child while Phan held me in his arms like I was five again. I was so blessed to have my friends Chi and Mitch, Phan and Clara and my whole family take care of me.

When I moved into this unit I had to learn alot about myself. I had to learn that it was okay to be alone and to be comfortable in my skin. I remember going to my parents place for dinner and seeing Phan leave with Beth and Clara and feeling so alone. Knowing I had to go back to an empty unit where there was no one to be excited that I was home. Jessie my dog was a godsend in those days she kept me happy and wanting to go on. I would be lying if I didn't admit that I had contemplated ending it all. But knowing how much that would hurt my family I had to be strong.

Over the next few months I became a person I never thought I could be. I lost 10 kilos from the stress but it was a good thing. I started to excel in my job and eventually even got a promotion from it. I won the respect of my parents who were amazed at how strong a woman I had become. When life throws obstacles at you, you amaze yourself at how much you can take on. Living in this unit on my own made me realise that I can do and achieve anything I set my mind too. My life has been extremely hard and some things are too personal to mention on this blog. But when I think that I have been dealt a rough hand, I remember that I have so much to be thankful for.

I'm thankful for my niece Beth who is the love of my life. Seeing her smile warms my heart. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love her. I'm thankful for Phan and Clara, I admire their strength, kindness and loyalty. I'm thankful for my parents who have stood by me through everything. I'm thankful for Phong and Phi who always make me laugh with their silliness and teasing. I'm thankful for my friends who have stood by me throught thick and thin without judgement only support especially Chi and Mitch. And I'm thankful for Ty. Sometimes you have to have your heartbroken to realise that your soulmate is out there. Ty I love you so much and can't wait to start our new life together in 6 days.

I know this blog has been quite sad and raw. And even as I type I feel sad about the past but excited about the future.

"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much" Mother Teresa.

Thursday 8 May 2008

I can't see :)

Ty and I went and had our eyes checked tonight. We went to see Peter Dickson at National Pharmacies who treated my whole family while we were growing up. He has such a fantastic memory he remembered the level of mum's prescription, but he said that she was a rare case. He asked how Phan was doing in QLD. He is such a cool optometrist so friendly and easygoing. Anyway we both found out that our eyes have got worse. Ty needs new contact lenses, and I am not allowed to legally drive without glasses on. He said working with computers all day has damaged my eyes and dried them out. He recommended taking drops everyday and gave me a sample to try. My eyes also have sun damage due to the fact that I don't wear sunglasses enough. So I'm glad we both went and had our eyes checked sounds like it was about time.

Besides that nothing else exciting has been happening. We have got mother's day this weekend so it will be nice to see our mums and thank them for everything they have done for us.

Wednesday 7 May 2008

Happy Birthday Ty!

Today is Ty's 34th birthday. He doesn't actually know his real birthday because he deosn't have a proper birth certificate. But he celebrates it on the 7th of May because that is the day he arrived in Australia and was adopted by his parents. I think that's so special and I'm glad he was chosen to come to Australia or we would never have met.

Besides that nothing much has been happening in Adelaide work is slowly getting busier. A girl at work celebrated her 40th today and she got so many flowers she could have started her own florist. I teased her that she was sending them to herself. She is a very popular girl.

On Friday night Ty and I are going out for dinner to celebrate his birthday properly and then we are going to see the new Keanu Reeves movie Street Kings, should be a good night!

Sunday 4 May 2008

Sunday Bloody Sunday...

We are listening to U2 at the moment so I just felt like using that as a title. Last night Ty and I went to Hong's wedding. As expected she looked absolutely stunning. Her wedding dress was probably the nicest dress I have ever seen. It was a beautiful a-line dress but it was covered in lace with a dimante brooch. The dress was made in Vietnam and only cost her around $600 but she had to have it fixed in Australia. Freddie looked very handsome in his suit, they make a very good looking couple.

It was great to catch up with Tuyet Anh and hear all sorts of funny stories about her boys. Her boy Dan-Hien is so cheeky and very mischevious, and Phi is so cute. They both gave me great sloppy kisses. She should be so proud of herself looking after three boys and she does such a great job, they are so adorable and polite kids. I also saw Tuoi's little boy Xanthus who is a very handsome looking kid, and his sister Leticia looked beautiful as the flower girl. Dieu's little girl Charlie was there she is now 6months old and such an easy girl she let me hold her and kept smiling at me. These group of friends I used to see on a regular basis but it's so hard to catch up because everyone's life is so busy. And I miss them alot, so it was great to spend some time with them.

I also saw my cousin Kim at the wedding and he told me that he is getting married in November so we will have another wedding to go to then. All in all it was a great night and Ty looked very handsome in his suit and new tie, I'm one lucky girl.

Saturday 3 May 2008

George arrived early!

This week at work has been a bit insane! I've had to do marketing proposals for Western Australia Medical School, and talk to a lot of new doctors about our product. At least the week has gone fast. Start of the week I was feeling really sick and even the trusty Codral wasn't helping. I couldn't take time off work because it was too busy. By the end of the week I started to feel better so that was good.

George wasn't meant to arrive til next Tuesday night but he managed to get on a plane early and arrived from Canberra last night. He is just too cute. Aisha went to the airport with me and Ty to pick him up. She is normally not a dog person and even she likes him. Simon got George a collar with a little bottle that opens up and inside is a piece of paper with all his details on it. We played with him til about 11:30 and then put him to bed. He whined excessively for about 1/2 an hour and then after that slept through to 6am which is pretty good. Puppies I've had in the past have whined all night so I was happy with that.

Keith (Ty's dog) is a bit jealous about the new addition to the family but they are slowly starting to get along. George just wants to play with Keith who wants to be left alone it's quite funny.