Thursday 8 May 2008

I can't see :)

Ty and I went and had our eyes checked tonight. We went to see Peter Dickson at National Pharmacies who treated my whole family while we were growing up. He has such a fantastic memory he remembered the level of mum's prescription, but he said that she was a rare case. He asked how Phan was doing in QLD. He is such a cool optometrist so friendly and easygoing. Anyway we both found out that our eyes have got worse. Ty needs new contact lenses, and I am not allowed to legally drive without glasses on. He said working with computers all day has damaged my eyes and dried them out. He recommended taking drops everyday and gave me a sample to try. My eyes also have sun damage due to the fact that I don't wear sunglasses enough. So I'm glad we both went and had our eyes checked sounds like it was about time.

Besides that nothing else exciting has been happening. We have got mother's day this weekend so it will be nice to see our mums and thank them for everything they have done for us.

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