Thursday 15 May 2008

One More Sleep!

Only one more sleep until Ty and I are in our new house. The process has felt like it has gone on forever. We had a much longer settlement than standard, so after three months we will finally be in our new place. I'm looking forward to doing some nesting and decorating. Once the house is all set up Ty and I will have our little projects that we have been wanting to work on, which is very exciting, stay tuned for that :) !

Work has been very frustrating for me right now. One of the girls at work has been off sick for the last three days, which doesn't bother me, when your sick your sick. But I have been doing her job and putting mine on the backburner because we are extremely busy at the moment. The reason I'm annoyed is because I wanted to get time off to move, just one day, but because we are so busy work wouldn't allow it. I also have to attend 2 work functions two weekends in a row after we have moved when all I want to do is stay home and enjoy the new place.

The good news is Ty's 52" inch Sony Bravia is being delivered on Friday and so is my new fridge so things are going to plan (knock on wood). The last couple of days has been so stressful, trying to get everything packed and ready to go. Tonight after a long day at work I get to come home and clean! Sorry just having a whinge, I guess it will be all worth it in the end!


Clara said...

Come on... where's the latest blog entry? :p

Clara said...

What?! Still no blog entry?