Wednesday 26 March 2008

The generosity of strangers!

Clara's blog inspired to write about my own experience recently with the generosity of strangers. As you've probably read previously Ty is doing the Relay for Life walk which raises money for cancer. I sent an email around at work and the response was amazing. People who had never met Ty or hardly knew him donated their hard earned cash to this worthy cause. It made me feel so appreciative to have such lovely and supportive work colleagues. Ty will be doing a special lap for MIGA! Ty has told me how much it means to him, knowing that people support what he does. He truly believes in his charity work and works so hard at it. Did I mention how great he is :) ?

I have been back in contact with an old friend from Adelaide Simon. We have been sms'ing back and forth and he sent me a funny email last night. In the middle of the email he writes "do you like cheese" so random but hysterical at the same time. There are people who walk through your life that leave their mark and you will never forget them. Well Simon is one of those people. I love him dearly and wished he lived in Adelaide.

This week has gone very fast and work is very busy at the moment. I'm going to visit the Vietnamese doctors to do a meet and greet so that should be good.

Our house is filled with boxes at the moment as we prepare to move. The mess is driving me crazy so I'm counting down the days til we move. I have been so slack with packing just the least un fun thing to do ever!

"Sometimes life throws you little suprises and you just have to sit back, take a breath and think I can do this." (bao comment)

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