Tuesday 25 March 2008

How did Beth grow up so quickly?

Well back at work today and it was quite busy. The printer and photocopier broke down in the morning and weren't back online til half way through the day so that was convenient. Adelaide has finally had some rain, AWESOME, cos we need it!

I am in the middle of deciding what to wear to Thao's wedding I have a few outfits picked out so it's not a huge problem but am torn between a dress or pants. I will probably decide on the day. I am quite excited about her wedding it should be good, looks like it will be typical Melbourne weather though with the rain.

Ty is doing the relay for life this weekend to raise money for the Anti Cancer Foundation, my work colleagues have been quite generous and donated quite a bit of money which was good. I am so proud of his charity work and am sad that I can't be here to spur him on, but I will be thinking of him while partying in Melbourne he he hee.

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