Saturday, 26 April 2008

Blogging is addictive!

I can't believe it this is my third post in one day. It's 1:16am and Ty and I just got home from dinner and a movie with Matt and Aisha. I thought I would quickly jump on and see if Clara had blogged and she had! And felt awake enough to do my own.

We had dinner at Caffe Boungiorno's the food wasn't too bad lots of good conversation. After dinner we saw the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall which was hilarious. I definitely recommend watching it, warning there is a bit of male frontal nudity which was off putting but besides that a highly enjoyable romantic comedy. Ty and I joined the Hoyts Movie Club. It's $25 per year and you get $9 movies twice per day (for 2 people) and including saturday nights. We thought it was a great deal cos we like going to the movies.

After the movies we went back to Matt and Aisha's place for coffee and cupcakes. We started planning their wedding even though they aren't engaged which was quite funny. Matt and Ty watched some random show about console games which was very nerdy. But I can't talk I'm blogging at 1 in the morning WTF???

One social event down 3 more to go. I am going to be sooo tired on Monday!

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