Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Busy Bee

Work has begun has it's busy period. We have sent the paper work for doctors to renew their insurance. I have been given more marketing responsibilities which has been fantastic. Ty and I will be attending the MedBall on the 17th of May my boss thought I would have more fun going with Ty than with him. The timing is really bad though because that's the weekend we move into our house.

I have found a fantastic supplier in Melbourne who are representatives for Mindy Mason, Cellini and other great brands so my business can now expand into other brands.

I am emotionally very happy at the moment. When I went to my friends hens night I saw Tuoi and she lost a tonne of weight and I asked her what diet she was on. It was the Herbalife one so I am going to start it tomorrow and see how I go. I was on Xenical but that wasn't working for me, so I'm going to give this a shot. I will keep you posted about my weight loss fingers crossed.

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